Seriously though arriving in Las Vegas Airport I met Casey's roommate and GF "Taryn" who I had heard so many great things about. After the awkward moment of walking around the baggage carousel looking for someone I have never met, Taryn and I looked at each other and just kinda laughed as we realized the match. Bags in hand I headed off into the Vegas night full of bright lights and big dreams with BPM providing the musical accompaniment originating high above from XM's satellites. (XM Channel 81)
Then the reunion with the one and only CASEY my non-biological brother from another mother (aka best friend). It was already late so we headed down to Old Vegas to people watch and hang in a few local bars which was a dim lit hipsters hang out. Few cocktails later we decided to head towards the Strip and check out a few casino/bars. It was a nice night of catching up with my bro and one cool girl named Taryn.. Minimum.
Ok so I'm having problems processing the timelines for the next two days as in Vegas there is no reference point. This is by design of course to keep you wondering around in amazement at the eye candy casinos, no idea what day or time it is and next thing you know your saying "where did my money go...".
I think Saturday was spent at the Southpoint Casino / Hotel located near Casey's pad. Sportsbetting the day away was great with my pal, although watching the Indians go down to Boston hurt both emotionally and financially. So Saturday night we had big plans for VIP tables and a world class DJ coming in town for a show. Instead a freak wind storm overtook the city and giant clouds of sand blew through the streets. The DJs flight was delayed because of this wind which means he didn't make the show canceling the event last minute. We walked around looking for something going on but we just couldn't find it that night. The wind also blew down a casino billboard sign which was blocking the pull in to a popular nightclub. This too seemed to be an omen from the party gods themselves that tonight was not meant to be. It was Saturday night in Las Vegas and it was empty. I had to check myself to ensure I had no zombie bites as the moment was reminiscent of an eerie horror flick with the deserted setting being the Strip in Las Vegas. Sandstorm wind mixed with cold air and dead streets, only thing missing here was the tumbleweed blowing across my path.
So long story short we moved Saturday nights plans to Sunday night and hit up Body English at the Hard Rock for Sunday Industry night (spyonvegas pics here). Ok this club was a packed house of whos who types dancing on the vip tables and couches.. It was absolutely crazy and a

Another great trip to Vegas was complete. Funny thing is as I write this blog entry I have exactly 6 days until I return to the nightlife mecca. Stay tuned for my Turkey-day in Vegas review where I'll eat, drink and be merry with the folks and then party till I'm brokes.
James IV over and out.
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